ANSI Timeline for Worker Safety: 100 Years of Safety Standards
ANSI just surpassed 100 years since its inception. Before the name change, ANSI (American National Standards Institute) was the American Engineering Standards Committee (AESC). However, it wasn’t until 1919 that AESC approved its first standard on pipe threads....
Which Pharmaceutical Safety Shower/Eyewash Stations Work Best?
Workers in the pharmaceutical industry face different challenges than those who work in construction or mining. For instance, they have an increased risk of a chemical accident and needing emergency treatment. However, they have limited space, as opposed to someone...
It’s Oil Refinery Turnaround Season – Are You Ready?
Twice a year, spring and fall, oil refineries go through a turnaround (a planned break in production) that allows for contractors to come in and perform scheduled maintenance on equipment and operations. The effects of a oil refinery turnaround can make a difference...
When do I Need a Gravity-Fed Emergency Shower?
A safety shower enables accident victims to get needed treatment after chemical or other hazardous exposure. Different environments call for different showers. What works for one company may not work for another. A question often asked is “Do I need a gravity-fed...Why Do I Still Need to Maintain a Safety Shower Recirculating System?
Emergencies happen, even if you take the best precautions. Facilities that work with caustic materials put workers at a greater risk of accidents than, say, an office building. Ensuring you have a reliable, industrial safety shower is imperative, and if you have a...Unsure of your next step? Let's Talk.
ATS ShieldSafe provides cutting-edge low maintenance safety showers that provide the best protection in the industry. Trailer and stationary showers provide you and your workers with the protection they deserve.
Discover what safety shower works best for you today.