Twice a year, spring and fall, oil refineries go through a turnaround (a planned break in production) that allows for contractors to come in and perform scheduled maintenance on equipment and operations. The effects of a oil refinery turnaround can make a difference in the supply availability for retail fuel outlets. Read about what to expect and how ATS ShieldSafe® can help with our portable showers – EcoRig™ and MidRig™.
Causes of a Refinery Shutdown or Turnaround
There are two things that happen when certain conditions warrant them and that’s a turnaround or shutdown. Turnarounds can be a result of several conditions. For example, refineries, like any industry, requires maintenance, upgrades, or replacements/renovation. Periodically, these events force a turnaround to allow refineries to stay competitive, meet government regulations, and ensure safe operations.
A typical turnaround occurs every three-to-five years and requires extensive planning and careful coordination of materials and labor. Turnarounds happen usually when production is at its slowest, to not disrupt operations at peak seasons.
In the advent a refinery doesn’t have access to cheap natural gas, necessary for the refining process, operations will shut down completely. When this happens, it can result in fuel prices increasing substantially – especially if other refineries are going through a similar turnaround or shutdown.
Portable Safety Showers for Turnarounds or Shutdowns
When a refinery goes through maintenance, it can upset the apple cart, so to speak. To ensure your workers and those contractors on-site still can get needed chemical exposure treatment if needed, consider one of our portable showers/eyewash units.
ATS ShieldSafe® designed the EcoRig™ as a perfect solution for turnarounds or shutdowns. It leaves a small footprint on the environment and can fit in small spaces. Also, it’s C1D2 rated – perfect for an oil refinery. With a pneumatic pump, electric immersion heater, and large capacity tank, you can rest assure your workers are getting over 15 minutes of tepid water flow per ANSI Z358.1 standards.
The MidRig™ is a self-contained shower that also doubles as a safety trailer, which includes an optional heating/cooling station and ANSI first aid station. It’s great for protection and privacy and fully compliant and temperature controlled. It’s vital to protect accident victims from harsh elements, thus why MidRig features an enclosed space for ultimate safety and protection. The drop-and-lock legs offer additional stability during use. Because it includes a massive 450-gallon tank with an immersion heater, the MidRigs help keep the water temperature above the ANSI minimum of 60°F.
Contact ATS ShieldSafe Before Oil Refinery Turnaround Season
Before your turnaround or shutdown occurs, call us at 800.747.9953 for a FREE consultation. Our safety experts can answer questions or address concerns with regards to special circumstances. We hope to hear from you soon.