An alarm sounds just 50 feet away from you in the warehouse and you know immediately a co-worker or employee’s in trouble. You know you’re the closest to help. You swiftly take action. Because of the quick alert from the safety shower alarm, your employee will make a full recovery.
Now, envision you’re that worker.
Employees in heavy industries encounter chemicals or other dangerous elements in their day-to-day operations and are at risk for exposure to many dangers; these include radon gas, solvents, asbestos, glues & adhesives, to name a few. Dangerous equipment and machinery, injuries, and flammable products are also dangers industrial workers face. During off-peak hours or when sites are remote, minimal personnel may be available to help in an emergency. Safety should be the top priority in any working condition – especially when working with chemicals. Having a useful safety shower alarm makes sense and gives much-needed assurance in the event of an emergency when seconds count. Will you be that employer who ensures their employees’ safety and peace of mind?
Safety Shower Alarms Are Not Mandatory – But Maybe they Should be
The importance placed on proper safety equipment in potentially dangerous working conditions is quite evident with OSHA and ANSI. However, their stringent guidelines for emergency showers and eyewashes don’t extend to mandatory safety shower alarm systems, which in certain conditions, may be needed.
In fact, OSHA and ANSI do not require an accompanying alarm or monitoring system in buildings that include industrial facilities or university laboratories. This could potentially pose a big risk that could result in drastic consequences. Facilities can technically meet ANSI and OSHA standards without those crucial elements. However, many government officials, such as the EPA, now require alarms on their own newly-constructed safety showers. If your company doesn’t include a safety shower alarm, now is the perfect time to invest in one.

Benefits of a Safety Shower Alarm
At ATS ShieldSafe, we offer three types of alarms: low level, low temp, and activated strobe and siren. Besides offering peace of mind to you and your workers when a chemical shower is warranted, shower alarms have these added benefits:
- Alerts management or other personnel of an accident when the shower lever is activated
- Brings quick and needed assistance to an accident victim, thus increasing the likelihood of effective treatment provided promptly
- Are cost-effective
- Easy to install
- Easy to maintain
- Can be hooked up to the SCADA network system, for remote monitoring and control
What Should I Look for in a Safety Shower Alarm?
Of course, functionality is the #1 factor to consider when searching for a shower alarm. You want it to work right, the first time, and every time. If it works correctly, it will alert the needed management or personnel in the event of an accident. ANSI states that a chemical accident victim has ten seconds in which to get to a safety shower. An alarm then enables a quick response.
Another essential factor should be the installation of the product. A safety shower alarm that installs easily, is hassle-free, and well-maintained ensures the safety of your workers.
Contact ATS ShieldSafe for Superior Products and Services
At ATS ShieldSafe, our innovative safety shower alarms and other solutions protect your workers and improve safety. To ensure prompt attention, install our sirens on your showers to sound when the shower lever is activated. All our cubicle safety showers come equipped with safety sirens. All ATS showers also meet all OSHA requirements and ANSI standards.
We care that your workers are always protected. Should an accident occur, a safety alarm can signal for immediate help. Contact our helpful customer service at (800) 747-9953, today for more information on our superior products, and allow us to offer your workers the best in safety.