Handling of or exposure to hazardous chemicals and other materials at construction sites, medical labs, or other factories and laboratories carry necessary risk. However, a safety shower/eyewash unit ensures peace of mind and ANSI Z358.1 2014 safety shower requirements. When you have used safety shower and eyewash treatment fluid, it’s important to consider their containment for the health and safety of workers.
All ATS ShieldSafe’s Safety Showers Are ANSI Compliant
We not only take worker safety seriously at ATS ShieldSafe but the latest ANSI compliance, as well. We build all our showers to withstand extreme climates and that fully comply with safety shower requirements, as well as offer many features and options with which to choose. Our safety showers include:
- Gravity-Fed Showers (EcoDrench™, Glacier, ™ SafetyRig, ™)
- C1D1 & C1D2 (EcoDrench, Glacier, SafetyRig, EcoRig, ™ MidRig, ™)
- Hot Climate Showers (EcoDrench, EcoRig)
- Cold Climate Showers (Glacier, SafetyRig, MidRig)
- Enclosed Showers (EcoDrench, Glacier, SafetyRig, MidRig)
- Portable Showers (EcoRig, MidRig, & SafetyRig)
Our motto is Comply, Protect, Innovate, which goes into all our safety shower designs. Whatever needs you have, we will work closely with you. We ensure your safety shower meets all ANSI requirements and is built tough and durable to last for years.

Important Considerations for Safety Shower/Eyewash Unit Fluid Containment
With hundreds of gallons of flushing fluid pooling in areas surrounding safety showers and eyewashes, it’s important to have a plan of disposal, whether you opt for an installed drain or a dedicated waste containment.
The containment of safety shower and eyewash treatment fluid includes these three categories:
- Safety – A fully-compliant safety shower/eyewash combination treatment requires at least 300 gallons (1,158 liters) of flushing fluid. This amount of fluid spreads quickly to a very large area, if not contained. If care is not taken in the area, it jeopardizes worker safety from the obvious potential of a slippery floor to the not-so-obvious danger of water finding its way to electrical cords and floor outlets. Large amounts of flushing fluid quickly turn a corrosive chemical accident into a more complicated incident.
- Environmental Issues – In some locations, you must fully contain some chemicals and properly dispose of them, which allows for compliance with environmental safety shower requirements and worker safety.
- Convenience – Some elements of a large liquid mess are just that – a mess. Damage to baseboards, drywall, and wooden furniture often results from running a safety shower/eyewash unit for a full 15-minute treatment. Cleaning up this much fluid takes a lot of time and money. Containment of spent safety shower/eyewash flushing fluid is something that should be given due consideration when deciding which equipment to install. ATS ShieldSafe™ offers various solutions for containing spent safety shower water, including a containment pump in an empty tote.
Get Your FREE Consultation
When you contact ATS ShieldSafe, you will speak with our expert consultants who will address your concerns or answer any questions. They can set you up with a FREE consultation with our expert ShieldSafe team and help you with safety shower requirements while increasing worker safety. We welcome your call to 800.747.9953, and hope you will contact us today!