Blog Posts from ATS ShieldSafe

When Should I Commit to a Safety Shower Upgrade?

Ensuring your safety shower is not only up to ANSI standards or is OSHA-compliant - and in the best working condition possible - needs to be your first safety priority while on-site. It may have been working fine in the past but there are many...

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Why do I Need a Safety Shower Water Filter?

In a previous post, we explained why adding a safety shower water filter, such as our Waterguard™, reduces health risks. In this post, we explain why it also takes the monotonous work out of it, making maintaining the shower a breeze.  Discover the benefits of adding...

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What Safety Shower Accessories Do I Need?

Choosing the right safety shower is imperative to ensuring your workers are protected and have as much privacy as they need, should a chemical accident occur. When deciding which safety shower, you need, consider the types of safety shower accessories that would best...

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ATS ShieldSafe provides cutting-edge low maintenance safety showers that provide the best protection in the industry. Trailer and stationary showers provide you and your workers with the protection they deserve.

Discover what safety shower works best for you today.