What Safety Shower Accessories Do I Need?
Choosing the right safety shower is imperative to ensuring your workers are protected and have as much privacy as they need, should a chemical accident occur. When deciding which safety shower, you need, consider the types of safety shower accessories that would best...The Difference Between an Electric and Safety Shower Pneumatic Pump
Accidents happen – and when they do, workers need to know treatment is readily available. ANSI-compliant safety shower/eyewash stations assure workers they’re safe and protected in the event of an emergency. Depending on what type of environment you work in, your...Quality Maximized
Quality Maximized Because ShieldSafe products are built with only the highest quality materials, you can trust that your shower will work correctly every time—especially when you need it most. ShieldSafe’s US-made precision parts are highly durable, which translates...Eight Ways to Reduce Safety Shower Maintenance
Eight Ways to Reduce Safety Shower Maintenance The #1 Customer Request: Reduce On-Site Maintenance Let’s face it: Safety shower maintenance is a never-ending drain on corporate resources. Staying compliant with weekly shower checks, ongoing maintenance, and constant...
Waterguard™ – What is its Value for Safety Shower Tank Protection?
In recent years, there have been plenty of wide-spread health scares involving bacteria, such as E. coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, and Salmonella. These incredibly common diseases become dangerous, not just in your kitchen, but also in stagnant water found in safety...Unsure of your next step? Let's Talk.
ATS ShieldSafe provides cutting-edge low maintenance safety showers that provide the best protection in the industry. Trailer and stationary showers provide you and your workers with the protection they deserve.
Discover what safety shower works best for you today.